Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I listen to a podcast called "The Tech Guy" with Leo Laporte. He reviews various tech tools, tips and toys. It's often over my head, but some of it's helpful. This week he had a quote that will no doubt become one of my favs: "It's hard to do a negative review of something when you're buddies with the guy who made it." Of course he's discussing product reviews - ethics of those doing the reviews. And, of course I thought of the church!
When I hear someone belittling the church of my Lord I wonder if they really love the Lord at all (Acts 9:5). When you love the Lord, you'll love His People - His Bride. Frankly I don't put up with people running down my bride and I doubt the Lord would either. It's hard to do a negative review of something when you're buddies with the guy who made it! Amen.